Strategies to Hear for a Lifetime: 1. Turn it down
Jolene Helps Measure Sound Levels

Jolene is a system for measuring the sound levels of personal audio systems. She is part of the Dangerous Decibels education, research, and community outreach projects. Jolene was constructed using a used fashion mannequin and a sound level meter wired to a silicon ear. Jolene makes appearances at schools and universities, health fairs, and many other public events. She always attracts a crowd and is helpful for promoting noise-induced hearing loss and tinnitus prevention. Jolene has also been used as a research tool to study the beliefs and listening practices regarding personal audio systems. Jolene can also be used as a supplemental activity following delivery of the Dangerous Decibels Classroom Program to reinforce the messaging.

In the Resources Module, you will find the Jolene Cookbook and Travel Guide that will teach you how to build your own Jolene and how to use her to measure the music listening levels of your friends, family, students or the general public.