Dangerous Decibels Program Walk-Through: 7. Strategies to Protect Your Hearing

1. Turn It Down Activity

Headphone Flashcard Activity

100 dba flashcard

This first section uses the Headphone Flashcard that you held back from the How Loud is Too Loud program module #6. Use it in the same manner has the other flashcards, just without the help of a student volunteer.
In this section you discuss the following topics with the students:

Is listening through headphones at FULL VOLUME a safe or dangerous activity? Review the headphone flashcard, when the volume is turned all the way up, sound levels from headphones can be 100 dBA which is a dangerous sound level.

Review the relationship between sound volume and listening time; the lower the volume setting the longer the amount of time you can listen safely.

Volume control on max
Simply turning our music down will allow us to listen safely for longer periods of time.

Emphasize the opportunity that the students have for being responsible for their own listening behaviors and encourage them not to be influenced by others to listen at high levels.

Turn it Down Key Points

Key iconHeadphones at full volume can produce dangerous sound levelsKey iconTurning the volume down will allow us to listen safely for longer periods of time.Key iconRemember to TURN IT DOWN so you can enjoy your music for a lifetime.