3Presentation Tips
Plan Well
Use the module format that you have been provided in the sequence provided. Know in advance what you will say for each module, have your examples and stories well prepared. Know the sequence of what you will say and be direct in how you say things.
Be wary, but willing to deviate from the plan if it will be helpful to teaching the program messages.In this case, the students may try to be in charge and manipulate the instructor which can derail the entire program. Over time, you will become more comfortable with following the students’ lines of inquiry and learn how to allow a little more flexibility in terms of following the exact program plan. For instance, if students ask to take the sound level meter outside to measure a car engine during the program, it would be best to defer that for a separate time after the program is finished.
Perhaps you can start a list on the whiteboard of things the students want to measure with a sound level meter when time permits, rather than stopping the program to go outside and measure the car engine. Even when creating a list, the activity should be very brief and tie it back into the safe or dangerous discussion.
On the other hand, if student asks whether a particular sound that you don’t have a flashcard for is safe or dangerous, that can certainly be addressed to the best of your ability, or you can tell the student that you will get back to them with the answer to that question if you are unsure of the answer.