Strategies to Hear for a Lifetime: 3. Protect Your Ears
Specialized Hearing Protection:
Helping to PROTECT and HEAR
Filtered or Level Dependent
These types of earplugs or earmuffs have unique acoustic designs that use filters, small openings and/or tubing length to “shape” the sound that reaches the ear canal without using electronics.
These types of earplugs or earmuffs have unique acoustic designs that use filters, small openings and/or tubing length to “shape” the sound that reaches the ear canal without using electronics.

These approaches are used to design specialty earplugs for music listening, or shooting firearms.

Hearing protectors can be built with microphones and speakers which are powered by a battery. The earplug or earmuff provides passive attenuation by sealing the ear, and the electronics provide a way to restore the ability to hear important sounds at a safe listening level.

For instance, hunters want to be able to hear the sounds in the environment yet be protected when they shoot the firearm.