Safe or Dangerous: 4. Music Listening
How Loud Do We Listen?

How LOUD we listen depends on how high we set the volume of the music which controls the sound pressure level coming out of the speakers or earphones. Maximum output levels are typically between 97 to 107 dBA when the volume is turned all the way up. Some devices have been measured as high as 120 dBA.
Music Exposure

The same rules apply for music listening as they do for other sounds. The higher the sound level (or volume control) the shorter the allowable listening time. Or conversely, the lower the volume control the longer the allowable listening time.

Everyone likes to turn up the volume when listening to their favorite song, just remember to turn the volume back down when it is over.
16%-25% of listeners exceed 100% dose when listening in quiet. Perhaps more encouraging is the reverse, when we realize that most people listen at SAFE levels and are not over-exposed.