Dangerous Decibels Program Walk-Through: 8. Rock Your World!
Hand turning down volume with remote

8Rock Your World!

Transition icon

Up to this point we have learned:

  • How vibrations make sound, and sound has energy
  • How we hear, and how loud sounds can damage our hair cells
  • There are many things that make dangerous sounds
  • 3 easy ways to protect ourselves from dangerous sounds

Now, let’s talk about what YOU would do if you knew you needed to use earplugs, but your friends didn’t think so.

This is activity is to bring awareness of peer pressure that a person can encounter when practicing smart hearing behaviors. Rock Your World! allows the students to practice making personal decisions on individual behavior in social settings and discuss their choices with with the class and the Dangerous Decibels educator.

The activity begins by the introducing the story outlined in the Dangerous Decibels Program Guide. The students can fast forward to age 16 years and they get to go to a concert with their friends. The class will have fun suggesting their favorite bands that will be performing at the fictitious concert.

Next, introduce the Rock Concert flashcard that you “forgot” to use in the How Loud is Too Loud activity and discuss whether concerts are “safe” or “dangerous” sound events.

Once it is clear that a concert can be a dangerous sound level, lead a discussion about which of the strategies they learned would be best to use? Discussion tips are in the Dangerous Decibels Program Guide.

When you get to “Protect Your Ears”, then set up the following scenario while they look at the Rock Your World! cards that you passed out:

Read each answer option (A, B, C) and have the students indicate their choice. The Dangerous Decibels Program Guide provides discussion points for each possible answer. There are no right or wrong answers, what is needed are honest thoughts!

This activity provides an opportunity to reinforce independent thinking, caring for others and demonstrating leadership skills.

Rock Your World! Key Points

Key iconTell a STORY, you and your friends are going to an event.Key iconStudents practice making personal decisions.Key iconLead discussion regarding decision choices. There are no right or wrong answers. Key iconEncourage independent thinking, caring for others and becoming a leader.