3Staying Connected
Please keep in touch!
Please share your experience, pictures and accomplishments with others. We’re also available to help answer questions.
Email: dd@unco.edu
Website: dangerousdecibels.org
Facebook: facebook.com/Dangerous-Decibels-142075681222
Twitter: twitter.com/ddecibels
Let us know what you are up to!
Your suggestions
YOU will make a difference!

The value of your time and effort is only realized once you deliver the Dangerous Decibels program in your local schools and communities.
It’s up to you to make a difference and help reduce the prevalence of noise-induced hearing loss and tinnitus. Everyone wants to hear for a lifetime, and you can help them do so!
This work was supported by the National Institute ff General Medical Sciences of the National Institutes of Health under Award Number R44GM130224. The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institutes of Health.
Creare LLC (Engineering):
Mattheus Ueckermann
John Walthour
Eric Yuan
Odile Clavier
IdeaMill (Human Centered Design):
Alexys Wilbur
Dangerous Decibels® (Content):
Deanna Meinke (University of Northern Colorado)
William Hal Martin (National University of Singapore)
Judith Sobel (Emeritus faculty, Oregon Health & Science University/Portland State University)
Jose Ardila (web styling)